The Ministry of Energy has published on its website, on November, 1st 2024, a draft emergency government ordinance amending Law no. 50/1991 regarding the authorization of construction works, Law no. 350/2001 on territorial planning, Law no. 120/2019 on measures required for the development of the electricity transmission network and Law 255/2010 regarding expropriation (the “Draft EGO”).
Among other objectives, the Draft EGO aims to facilitate the construction of hydrogen capacities.
As such, it proposes an exemption from urban planning documentation for the following energy capacities: production and storage of electricity and hydrogen from non-CO2 emitting sources, whether located intramuros or extramuros. The exemption also covers the related transformer stations, cables, and installations necessary for connecting to the electricity grid, along with electricity transmission infrastructure, including high-voltage lines.
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